Our Impact

Since its inception in 2006, LeapForWord has reached out to over 3.15 lakh teachers and 23.29 lakh students across 182 districts in 9 states. Impact evaluation has played a key role in our journey. We use a combination of methods such as Endline over Baseline, Treatment vs Control, Third Party evaluation, Written & Oral tests, etc. to evaluate the impact created by LeapForWord on students across India. We evaluate students based on multiple capabilities such as reading, spelling, etc. across the English Literacy Program’s four levels: ER, AR, EC & AC. Other than these tangible results, when kids at an age of 9-10 are able to read & understand English, their confidence soars sky-high, They start believing that they can do anything they wish for and this we believe is LeapForWord’s greatest contribution.

Percent of teachers whose class can read more than 75% of the relevant words.

Percent of teachers whose class can spell more than 75% of the relevant words.

What puts a smile on our face is the positive impact on the lives of the teachers and students.

Impact Stories

Download some impact reports

Nashik Ashram School

13 Ashram schools in the Nashik PO, were identified for deployment of the English Literacy Program. This was a “Train the Teacher” program. 25 teachers across the 13 Ashram schools were trained to deliver the first 2 learning levels to their respective students.

English Literate Maval

A 3-year funded project to demonstrate how ELP can be diffused in a large geography amongst govt. school teachers in a voluntary fashion. The objective is to make 50% of all govt. school teachers in Maval Taluka to start teaching English using our techniques.

English Literate Joyda

Joyda a Village in Shirpur to become the first English Literate village of India. The project ensures that every child in Joyada is able to Read, Write, Comprehend & Structure Grammatically Correct Sentences (Elementary Complexity) in a 3 year period (2016 – 2019)